International Women’s Day 2024

Happy International Women’s Day! Today seems an especially fitting day to talk about menopause.

I recently came across a fascinating article on STAT News discussing the latest developments in menopause treatment, particularly the use of testosterone. This caught my attention, not just as a woman but as someone deeply interested in health and wellness.

Menopause often comes with a host of challenging symptoms, from hot flashes to mood swings. Historically, treatment options have been limited, and conversations around menopause were even more so. But as the medical conversation becomes more open and understanding around women's health issues, new doors are opening.

Emerging research and treatments for menopause are now focusing on hormonal therapies, including testosterone, which was traditionally associated only with male health. (Though, as the article notes, there is more testosterone than estrogen in a premenopausal woman’s body.) Testosterone is vitally important to the female body, and plays an important role in bone density, energy levels, wound healing, and even mental health.

This development underscores the importance of continuous research and innovation in healthcare, especially in areas that were once overlooked or misunderstood.

We need more open discussions about women's health issues like this, as topics like menopause should not be taboo or silently suffered through... and normal hormones like testosterone and estrogen that exist in all bodies should not be gendered.

As someone who believes in holistic health and the power of informed choices, I find this advancement encouraging. It's a reminder of how far we've come and the potential paths forward in enhancing our quality of life at every stage.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this topic. How do you see the evolving landscape of women's health, particularly in areas like menopause treatment?

Full article link on my LinkedIn post.

To your vitality, 


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