Breathwork - Part 1

In the fast-paced world we live in, it's easy to forget the simplicity and power of taking a deep breath. This week, I want to share with you a transformative practice that has deeply impacted my life and the way I approach both personal and professional challenges: deep breathing.

I am going to attempt an entire month of breathwork for March, and I’ll be sharing my journey with you here for you to join along with me if you choose. (And I hope you do!)

Week 1 Steps:
1. Find Comfort: Choose a quiet spot to sit or lie down, ensuring you won't be disturbed. This moment is for you and your well-being.

2. Hand Placement: Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. This tactile feedback is crucial for understanding how you breathe.

3. Breathing Technique: Start with five deep breaths, inhaling through the nose, allowing your stomach to rise, and exhaling through the mouth as your stomach falls. This process not only oxygenates your body but also begins to teach you the rhythm of calming breath.

After these initial deep breaths, I am challenging myself with breath-holding exercises for up to 30 seconds. These are not just physical challenges but mental ones, teaching me to find peace in stillness, to manage discomfort, and to understand the power of my breath.

I will repeat this sequence three times. Each cycle invites us to go deeper into the experience, to let go of the surface-level stress and tap into a profound sense of calm.

This week is about beginning a journey with myself, one breath at a time. It’s about recognizing that within us lies the ability to calm, to reset, and to energize.

I encourage you to embrace this practice as well, to see it not as a task, but as a gift to yourself, a stepping stone towards a healthier, more focused you.

Stay tuned for next week, where I'll build upon this foundation, enhancing our capacity for deep breaths and, in turn, deepening our capacity for resilience and focus.

To your vitality,


Breathwork - Part 2


A Shot of Wellness