Menopause & Bone Density

When I say the word menopause, the first word that comes to your mind probably isn’t “osteoporosis” — but it’s a real threat women need to consider, well before perimenopause. Drawing from extensive research, I want to share four crucial strategies for managing bone density during these transformative years.

1. Choose a diet that nourishes your bones:
A balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D is your first line of defense in supporting bone health. Calcium acts as the building block for bones, while vitamin D enhances calcium absorption. Leafy greens, dairy (or fortified alternatives), fish, and nuts should be staples. Don't forget about magnesium and vitamin K, found in whole grains and green veggies, which also play a role in bone health. It's about feeding your bones with the nutrients they crave.

2. Stay active:
Weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises are non-negotiables. Activities like walking, yoga, dancing, or lifting weights don't just boost your mood and overall health; they specifically target bone density. By stressing your bones slightly (in a good way), you signal your body to strengthen them, keeping osteoporosis at bay.

3. Lifestyle Adjustments for Lifelong Strength:
Reducing alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, and managing stress are foundational to preserving bone density. These lifestyle choices not only support bone health but enhance your overall well-being. It’s about creating an environment where your body can thrive, even amidst the waves of hormonal changes.

4. Talk to your doctor about getting your hormones tested:
I advocate for a proactive approach to health instead of a reactive approach. Talk to your doctor about your hormones and what tests you can do to stay aware of any deficiencies you may be facing. Hormone therapies and emerging treatments can help alleviate many of the symptoms and issues that come with menopause, including loss of bone density. Let's open up the conversation about bone health, sharing our stories and strategies to support each other. With the right care, you can continue to live and build a strong, vibrant future.

To your continued vitality,


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