A Gluten-Free & Protein Journey

As I stroll through my neighborhood today, gluten-free options are everywhere, a norm rather than the exception. It's a stark contrast to the early '90s when such choices were scarce. Back then, while living in Asia and traveling globally for work, finding nutritious, quick food that was also gluten-free felt nearly impossible. The market was limited to a few energy bars aimed primarily at athletes or those looking to lose weight, none of which suited my dietary needs or lifestyle.

Growing up in a large Italian family where we cherished simple, wholesome foods, I understood early on the profound impact of diet on our well-being. This understanding drove me to adapt my grandmother’s recipes into something revolutionary—creating a high-protein, sugar-free, gluten-free bar in my kitchen. These weren't just snacks; they were fuel for the body and mind, designed to sustain through long days. The result was thinkThin® bars, which not only introduced a new category of nutrition bars but also spearheaded the broader protein conversation.

Launching thinkThin® in 1999, we were pioneers, marking our bars clearly with "20g protein, zero sugar, gluten-free" right on the wrapper—a bold move at the time but one that addressed a growing consumer demand for transparency and specific dietary needs. It's fascinating to reflect that it took over a decade after our launch for high protein to become a recognized essential in the health food industry.

The journey from those early days to now has been nothing short of extraordinary. We've witnessed a seismic shift in consumer awareness and industry acknowledgment of dietary needs. The rise of plant-based proteins through brands like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods marks a new chapter in this ongoing narrative, promising more sustainable and health-conscious options for everyone.

This transformation in how we view and consume gluten-free products underscores a broader shift towards more inclusive, health-conscious eating habits. What was once a niche market has expanded into a mainstream demand, reflecting a collective increase in health awareness and a shift in consumer preferences.

As we continue to innovate and embrace these changes, I am inspired by the possibilities that lie ahead. The journey from niche to neighborhood staple for gluten-free options is a testament to the power of innovation and persistence in meeting consumer needs.


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