Microplastics In Our Food

Have you read the recent piece from CNN on the shocking places you can find microplastics in food? Apparently, microplastics pervade not just our oceans but our plates, affecting almost every type of food, from animal proteins to the vegetables on our dinner tables.

In the early '90s, when I ventured into creating thinkThin®, my focus was clear—delivering clean, nutritious, and sustainable eating options. The recent studies about microplastics, such as the one showing that 90% of both animal and vegetable protein samples tested positive for these contaminants, deeply concern me. This isn't just about quality; it's about the very essence of what we consume.

1. Understanding the Scope:
Research indicates that everyday foods, from the salt in our pantries to the tea in our cups, contain microplastics. These tiny pollutants can migrate into vegetables through their root systems and accumulate in animal tissues, making their way into our diet almost invisibly.

2. Health Implications Are Stark:
The health implications are profound. Microplastics have been found in human organs and are linked to risks such as heart disease and stroke. These particles are not passive; they carry potentially harmful chemicals that can disrupt bodily functions at the cellular level.

3. So…What Can We Do?:
It's crucial to take proactive steps towards mitigating our exposure. Opting for foods stored in non-plastic materials like glass or stainless steel, choosing fresh over processed foods, and reducing reliance on plastic-packaged goods are immediate actions we can adopt. I know, over the years, I’ve been guilty of drinking palettes of water from plastic bottles that I had left in my hot car. No more.

4. Advocating for Change:
As a community, it's vital to advocate for stricter regulations on plastic use and waste management. Supporting research and innovations that aim to remove plastics from our oceans and soil can lead to long-term solutions.

We've come far in understanding and demanding better food standards. Yet, the journey is far from over. We must push for transparency, safety, and sustainability in our food systems to ensure that our health, and the planet's health, aren't compromised.

Let's continue to demand better, educate ourselves and others, and choose wisely. The power to change lies as much in our hands as it does on our plates.

To your vitality,


Apollo Health’s ‘Cognoscopy’


A Gluten-Free & Protein Journey